By Smylers
Talk in Portable Document Format (PDF)
Here are the materials I used for my presentation Vim: A Healthy Capacity for Vigorous Activity? (and it solves mazes, too) to WYLUG in February 1999.
The talk was supposed to be an introduction to Vim, explaining (evangelizing?) its philosophy; it was not a tutorial in using Vim. The slides are fairly terse, and its doubtful if they make any sense to anybody not at the presentation, but they are available in Applixware Graphics (version 437) format, and also as a postscript file
Virtually everything I learnt about Vim is from its on-line help (accessed with the :help command). All the documentation is also available from the Vim homepage,, along with much other information.
The maze-solving macro that I demonstrated came with the Windows NT version of Vim I obtained from Burks; presumably its also available elsewhere, but I’ve included it in this gzipped tar file along with its documentation. Since I was unable to get the supplied C maze-generation program to work, I actually used this one kindly written by Ben Lamb especially for the occasion. Note that for the macro to run nicely, generated mazes should be of at least 8 lines fewer than the number of lines in the window. I also used David Pashleys maze syntax highlighting; this can either be appended to the maze-solving macro file or sourced separately.